Nausea and/or vomiting have you feeling miserable, immobilized in bed, or relegated to the bathroom? At a time when trying to drink fluid or eat anything sounds virtually impossible, there’s hope. We’re bringing emergency department Morning Sickness & Nausea treatments to you with our Morning Sickness & Nausea IV therapy, specifically formulated to take care of you while maintaining the utmost safety of both you and your baby. Just know that there’s suffering for your condition and Mobile IV Medics will bring our treatments directly to you.
Benefits of Our IV Package for Morning Sickness
The number one benefit of Mobile IV Medics’ morning sickness IV therapy hydration package is that it helps ensure pregnant women and their babies have the fluids and nutrients necessary for optimal health.
Keeping hydrated during pregnancy is essential in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Pregnancy also brings extra importance to maintaining proper nutrient levels.
- Iron: Iron helps transport oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body and your baby’s.
- Calcium: A growing baby needs calcium to build strong, healthy bones.
- Folic acid: Optimal folic acid intake is essential during pregnancy, as it can help prevent major defects in the baby’s spine and brain.
A member of our team of Registered Nurses at Mobile IV Medics will assess your vital signs, medical history and conditions, consult with your OB/GYN or primary care physician as needed.
What’s in Our Morning Sickness IV?
- IV Fluid – drinking something probably sounds like just about the worst thing in your current state of nausea. This blend of IV fluid and electrolytes to quickly restore precious fluids when you’re vomiting. These are the fluids that provides oxygen and nutrients throughout your body and to your baby. These Mobile IV Medics IV fluids are formulated go directly into and stay in the bloodstream giving you the instant benefits you need.
- Vitamin B complex – pyridoxine (B6) is the important vitamin when it comes to nausea and vomiting. As first line therapy during pregnancy, it’s been shown to greatly improve nausea with no sign of harm to the baby. Additionally, pyridoxine is part of the popular prescription morning sickness medication Diclegis®.
- +/- Anti-nausea & vomiting medicines – these medications are mainstay hospital treatments for nausea and vomiting for both pregnant and non-pregnant patient alike. They have been shown to significantly improve both nausea and vomiting more effectively than other treatments. Your baby’s safety is our primary goal so while available data for one medication in early pregnancy doesn’t demonstrate a high-risk for congenital malformation, we will require either demonstration of a prescription, your OB’s approval, or consultation with our medical director to provide you this during your first trimester.
- Please remember all of our treatments may be customized. Please let us know if you have any questions or needs regarding your treatment selection. Be sure to ask about add-in treatments to optimize your Mobile IV Medics IV therapy:
- Add Vitamin B12
- Add Vitamin C
- Add Glutathione
- Add Magnesium
- Add Zinc