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    24 - 7


The Set Doctor

ensure safety & convenience

In the fast-paced world of production, ensuring the health and safety of your team is of paramount importance. Dr. Hicks specialized on-set services bring the convenience of COVID testing and comprehensive medical care right to your production location.

Our medical team are equipped to handle a wide array of medical needs that may arise on set. From minor injuries and illnesses to medical consultations, our expertise ensures that your team remains in optimal health throughout the production process. Our commitment to your crew’s well-being means you can focus on creating exceptional content while we take care of the medical essentials.

Why Choose Us?

What We Offer

  • On-Set Convenience: We come to you, eliminating the need for your team to travel to off-site testing locations or medical facilities.
  • Expert Medical Care: Our skilled medical professionals are experienced in handling various medical situations, ensuring your team’s health is in capable hands.
  • Rapid Turnaround: Timely results for COVID tests, minimizing disruptions to your production schedule.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to align with the unique requirements of your production.
  • Safety First: We adhere to the highest safety standards to protect the health and well-being of your crew.

At Genesis Concierge Services, we understand the challenges that productions face, especially in today’s climate. Let us be your trusted partner in maintaining a healthy and safe environment for your team. Contact us today to discuss how we can support your production’s medical needs and ensure a seamless filming experience. Your health is our priority.

How It Works

Consultation with a medical provider.


Schedule your on set service.

Doctor on Set

Our medical team arrives with medical equipment and supplies.

Dr. Hicks

Dr. Brittani Hicks DNP, FNP, MSN, RN

CEO and Founder


For more information or to get a Medical Provider on set.