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8 Benefits of NAD IV Therapy

The treatment process is simple and convenient, which is one of the many advantages of NAD regenerative therapy. The patient can relax in a chair and read, watch TV, or work on a laptop while an IV drip is placed in their arm or hand. These therapies can be done after work or during a long lunch break and last up to 6 hours, depending on the dosage.

This innovative therapy is simple to administer but provides numerous complex cellular benefits. The oxidized form of a coenzyme called nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is delivered directly into the bloodstream. The body uses NAD+ for many functions, as explained in this article, and delivering it via IV allows the body to absorb more of the coenzyme. NAD IV therapy bypasses the digestive system, ensuring the NAD+ coenzyme reaches the cells that need it.

Benefits of NAD IV Therapy

Because NAD+ is used in so many bodily processes, NAD IV therapy has many advantages. NAD IV therapy has been shown to help a wide range of patients achieve their health and wellness goals.

NAD IV therapy:

1. Aid in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex psychological disorder that affects brain communication. Recovery or cessation can be difficult. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 40-60% of addicts relapse.

Addiction is not cured by NAD IV. However, it is a powerful tool that can help with withdrawal symptoms. This therapy helps patients transition into sobriety by easing withdrawal symptoms. NAD IV therapy is a safe and effective natural alternative to medications, and it works well with counseling or psychotherapy. Treatments for alcohol, opioid, chemical, and prescription drug dependence include NAD IV therapy.

2. Reduce Pain

Sirtuins are a family of protein molecules that have been linked to the body’s inflammatory and antioxidant responses. Basically, sirtuins reduce inflammation, which reduces pain. Sirtuins require NAD+ to function properly, so NAD IV therapy helps reduce pain.

3. Improve Cognitive Function

Besides reducing inflammation and pain, sirtuins can improve cell resilience to stress and slow cognitive decline. NAD IV therapy provides sirtuins with NAD+ coenzyme to:

  • Improve mental clarity
  • Boost memory
  • Improve mood
  • Facilitate brain regeneration
  • Improve concentration
  • Increase one’s ability to focus
  • Boost neurological function
  • Reduce symptoms of depression

4. Boost Energy

ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the primary source of energy for our cells. ATP is the fuel that powers many bodily functions like cellular respiration, DNA replication, and muscle contractions. NAD IV therapy helps the body produce ATP, which increases energy and reduces fatigue. NAD IV therapy is commonly used to treat CFS. It can also help with jetlag.

5. Improve Athletic Performance

The ability of NAD IV therapy to boost energy and cognitive function is beneficial to athletes and anyone looking to improve physical performance. After all, having more energy and clarity will improve reaction times and overall performance during training and competition. The NAD+ coenzyme is also essential for muscle growth. To build stronger muscles and gain more mass, NAD IV therapy supplies your body with enough fuel to not only fire muscles during a workout but also repair them afterwards.

6. Help with Weight Management

The NAD+ coenzyme is vital in the body’s metabolism. When combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, NAD IV therapy can help patients maintain a healthy weight. This is especially useful as patients age and their metabolism slows.

7. Reverse Signs of Aging

We discussed how sirtuins affect cognition, inflammation, and pain management, and how they rely on NAD+. Sir2p is a sirtuin that is involved in the aging process and overall health of the body. NAD IV therapy reduces the efficacy of Sir2p, which can reduce fine lines and wrinkles and reverse some signs of aging.

8. Delay or Prevent the Onset of Certain Diseases

Scientists have discovered a link between the NAD+ coenzyme and several cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Low NAD+ levels have been linked to diabetes and fatty liver disease.